1) CNN just published a false headline claiming that Schumer and McConnell have entered into a “power sharing agreement” in the Senate because the committees will have equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. But the Senate is 50-50, so of course the committees are like that.
2) The CNN article goes on to debunk its own false headline by acknowledging that the Democrats will have the chairmanship of every committee, and control the agenda of every committee.

There is no “power sharing agreement.”
3) Plenty of people are going ape shit in Schumer right now because of this false headline. That’s why it’s so important to call out this kind of false reporting, and why it’s so important to read beyond the headline before drawing conclusions.
4) For those asking why the committees will have an equal number of Democrats and Republicans: there are an equal number of Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to begin with. You can’t put people who on a committee who don’t exist.
5) And yes, VP Kamala Harris will break any Senate ties.

Democrats have full control over the Senate.

Schumer is Majority Leader.

McConnell is Minority Leader.

Anything else being “reported” is fiction.
6) For those asking what happens when there's a tie vote in committee: the Chair can just advance it to the full Senate anyway. All of the Chairs are Democrats. The end. It's a complete non-issue.
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