#COVID-19 & schools- there have been recent papers from Norway & US & Australian data have found that school mitigation measures prevent onward transmission & that schools are unlikely to be driving the epidemic. 2/
2/ School outbreaks occur but were uncommon, even when community spread is relatively high, providing schools limit class sizes & require safety measures including masks 3/ https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2021/01/06/peds.2020-048090
3/ And if community spread is low, those safety measures may not be essential, especially among children under the age of 10 eg. Norway & NSW 4/
4/ In Victoria, most school outbreaks were caused by infected teaching staff (adults), followed by adolescents then rarely by younger children 5/
7/ In Victoria, we developed a traffic light approach to school mitigation measures. More community transmission= more school mitigation measures. This prevents community fatigue & feasibility 8/
8/ In the Netherlands, a primary school outbreak found 123 infected of 818 teachers, students & families tested. Most were B.1.1.7 variant. Children attended school full time, with full classes, but masks not worn in primary schools for kids or teachers 9/ https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/01/new-coronavirus-variant-scrambles-school-risk-calculations
9/ If the new B.1.1.7 variant is circulating primary kids will also need to wear masks. But more information is needed. Need to understand the direction of transmission (adult-to-child; child-to-child; child- to-adult) for all variants 10/
11/ Higher vaccination coverage might need to be achieved to protect the public overall 12/
12/ Genomic sequence analysis from all settings is needed to enable a targeted approach to identifying variants of concern & appropriate mitigation measures for schools. Important that countries without this capacity are supported to do this.
Good summary of 3 recent studies (US, Norway, Sweden)-show low COVID risk of inperson schooling. Other examples: Iceland, Ireland (up to pre-Christmas) France, Taiwan & Spain. Our Vic paper under review. It can be done safely- but needs investment & effort https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/01/three-studies-highlight-low-covid-risk-person-school
Now more evidence from Germany https://twitter.com/fiona_m_russell/status/1353473594647429120
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