18 January 2020 #MAGAanalysis PM Edition

A Letter To The President

28 Tweets written by Pasquale Scopelliti, but speaking for all the other MAGA Trump supporters who agree from the bottom of their hearts.
1) Mr. President, as a complete outsider - one NOT read in - looking in from the outside, I must state that it appears to me you have the means by which to cure the vote in hand. I know you're aware of General McInerney's guidance and, it looks to me as if you're considering it.
2) What we in the general public can observe is troop deployments of an unprecedented nature. We cannot know who is behind these deployments or what they portend. One possible interpretation is that you have emplaced the assets you require in order to cure the election.
3) If this is true and on behalf of many who read my daily analyses, I must state emphatically that we call upon, we request with all our hearts that you do so. There are no possible circumstances under which we may accept Joe Biden's false victory as anything other than stolen.
4) The media that so desperately hates you, lying with its every word, only hates you because you love and represent us. They won't, can't pay us enough attention to hate or despise us. They simply reject our existence as in any way meaningful. We are the forgotten Americans.
5) We know that we re-elected you in a great landslide. We do not trust any of the vast conspiracy of evil actors who came together to steal the democratic power vested in us. They scorn and scoff at us and will without doubt wreak havoc upon us in coming days if allowed.
6) We know that havoc is their great purpose. They know that you taught us to believe in ourselves and our power as Americans. Now they must put us down with all the force and venomous prejudice Joe Biden's office will give him, should he be allowed to ascend.
7) As a man, and as our greatest friend, we would forgive you personally if you gave up the fight for personal reasons. No man, no mere man may be expected to shoulder such burdens as you already have, continuously these past four years, let alone to fight on now.
8) But with true and due respect, Sir, we would not, we could not forgive you in your function as President if you surrender the field. No, that's not true. We may, if you deem it the necessary step to move forward. If you continue as our leader and guide us, we will follow.
9) But I can tell you frankly, Sir, you will face the gravest risk of your short political life if you surrender this office without a full fight as we, your followers, must judge. You started something wonderful, something great. It is on you to lead us to the bitter end.
10) The great point of the moment is that we cannot see past that instant in which False Joe Biden may be sworn in as 46th President. Perhaps it is actually outside your power to prevent that. If so, we'll need to come to understand you were not able to do so.
11) Allow me to discuss that implication, Sir. If you are unable to cure the election fraud, then this nation's democratic approach to the consent of the governed has fallen. We do not consent. America is of course both a democracy and a republic. Neither is sufficient alone.
12) As the founders so eloquently laid out, the election of our national President is the greatest democratic act of our republic. It is the one and only where our nation speaks as a whole. If False Joe Biden is sworn in, then our previously unbroken chain of history is broken.
13) It is neither Congress nor the Judiciary that represents the whole of America. It is our executive magistrate who represents us in our entirety. When we hired you to do that job in 2016, we changed history. We are loathe to let that go and in fact, cannot and will not.
14) So, Sir, it is with that grave backdrop that I must say again, we do not release you. We do not give you your leave of departure. You of course may take it and all will understand your personal reasons for doing so. But we will not understand your Presidential reasons.
15) On the other hand, once more, if you deem your own departure to be the full and proper completion of your Presidential duties it will, it must, it cannot not be upon you to convey to us your reasons and to persuade us of your conviction.
16) Of course you have NOT done so as yet and all speculation of your departure may be only that, speculation. However as the forces lined against both you and us have not been conclusively disproved by your public words, we do not yet know.
17) I will elaborate. Not once, to my knowledge, have you equivocated on the fact of the stolen election. We thank you for that, indeed. Yet, you have - for whatever your reasons were - published statements that have been construed as concessions by many.
18) If your reasons have been merely tactical and you have no intention of allowing False Joe Biden's swearing in, then any input or counsel I offer is superfluous to your plan. But as I hope you understand, I cannot know that. It is therefore my duty to state my own counsel.
19) In my function as nothing other than a faithful follower and reawakened patriot, I state clearly that your Presidential duty will remain undone, not finished, incomplete, and at peril of your very sacred honor itself, Sir, if you allow this stolen election to go uncured.
20) Bent upon my patriotic knee, I beg you, do not let this election go uncured. Give us back the democracy that informs our very republic. No one else can do so but you. If you hesitate at the grievous nature of the acts required to do so, this is understandable.
21) But to walk away and allow this stolen election to remain uncured is a Presidential failure of the highest order, one I know not how we, your followers and this nation itself as a whole, will heal from. The risk is the gravest our nation has ever faced.
22) Some of our great and thoughtful friends may say that the Civil War was a graver risk. I disagree. That the South might secede was a terrible challenge. Yet had they, while it may have been dire, it may also have worked out. We cannot know.
23) But whereas the Union would have suffered from the loss, it would NOT have challenged the very nature of the nation itself. A Union that was worth preserving is now in the greatest possible risk of destroying itself from within, such that is no longer worthy of preservation.
24) It is with these terrible thoughts that I bend to implore you, Sir. Please, please, do not leave us in this state. Do not abandon us when we need you the most. Do not betray the very purpose for which providence has placed you where you are.
25) We turned to you in trust, to lead a reawakened America back to Her greatness. Your job is not finished. An America where the vote has been suborned, where a False President ascends is not an America made great again. It is one where greatness has died.
26) So, I say to you, Sir, this election and its fraudulent theft must be corrected. There can be no other mission for you to undertake as a proper President than this cure. I say it is NOT your obligation to leave, compliant with the will of evil forces. Stay, Sir. Stay.
27) If you do stay, you will have the millions of us, 70 million, 80 million or more who will back you at every step. We will welcome your militia as our liberating forces, no different than if China had invaded and our militia was freeing us from their evil occupation.
28) We, your patriotic voters, we know that the Judiciary and the Congress have betrayed their oaths and abandoned their duties. We know that you are our only hope of holding onto our nation in its freedoms and rule of law. The founders laid out the method.
Finally, Sir, they foresaw that martial law was in absolute fact needful in a nation where law itself was threatened. To the degree I understand, you do have the tools by which to cure the vote of its theft.

It is that which we implore you to complete.
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