Thank you to the new followers who came from @KNeferhetep ‘s post about demons - I’m not big on social media but would love to share my personal experience with these entities in my previous line of work. I know if you follow him^ you’re not about sugar coating things...
So I’m going to keep it real as well. I started this line of work - tarot, astrology, reiki, intuitive healing, akashic/regressions, sintergesics to name a few back in 2011-2012 and quickly grew in my community by attending trade shows, hosting events, word of mouth, etc.
...and worked with clients in many places in North and South America. My gifts also began to grow as my business grew, and I truly felt I had found my purpose and calling in helping people heal and providing a channel for the ascension of mankind.
Looking back on it, I think there were several messages for protection that were being sent to me but I was so blindsided by justifications for my actions that I didn’t see them - and I also thought I was protecting myself enough (through stones, baths, candles, prayers,
...visualizations, intentions, affirmations, etc.) I was essentially above good and bad , and everything had a reason for being. Anyway, the straw that broke the camel’s back, happened in November of 2019, when saw my last client during a regression...
...along side my teacher. That year, our biggest goal was to help our clients de-chip from “et’s” /non human beings that were leeching and working through their energies. We had noticed that many experiences with our clients (w. akashic work) was involving alien like species.
People were dreaming about them, having experiences with them and they were coming through their regression readings letting us know about soul contracts they had made and their connections (the why’s and the how’s)....
Because of this we thought it would be important to make it our mission to assist people in freeing themselves from soul contracts, physical chips and overall entities that were controlling them.
On this particular evening, I prepared to come in and hold a session for a friend. My master & I were working together; she served as the guide and I was the channeler through the regression...
I’d essentially connect with the client, serving as their eyes and ears, interpreting the session as we went along. From the morning I woke up, I felt sick to my stomach. I was nauseous , lightheaded, had very little energy and I did not want to go...
I actually called my master/co-worker to cancel because it was getting to be too much. She reassured me we would be fine, that we would protect ourselves as best as possible and that my soul just knew it was going to be a “heavy session”(we had quite a few of those in the past)..
So we just had to come extra prepared. I anointed myself, prepared my stones, had my water ready, said my protective prayers and rituals we had in place before our sessions. When I got in, things felt very weird from the jump- I’m not going to get too detailed with the events...
Leading up to the session because it’s going to be like 60 tweets on that alone- but basically the minute she was on the bed and we had guided her through the akashic, this “thing” just came through. It didn’t want me to communicate with her and showed us how he was holding her
“Spirit” hostage (this vision was validated by the person on the bed) and next thing you know the candles blow out and we are battling this thing, trying to get her help.

One of our rules coming into this work together was that we are not “exorcists...
So if ever caught in a tricky situation, we would get them back through rising their frequencies and would make them aware of steps they may take- but it wasn’t our job to “defeat” these things. On this day, I saw, heard, and experienced their strength and power...and in those
Moments, as we navigated through alternate realms attempting to free our friends ‘soul’, I felt how unprotected we are to spiritual attacked. Everything we had learned seemed to be out the window and my master, guru, spiritual leader for all these years was the most scared I had
Ever seen her and was looking to me to take the lead... side note: when I tell you anyone can be big and bad until “that” time really comes... smh then you’ll really see your “idols” fall before you and understand why you need to follow yourself.
The end of the story is complicated, we prayed Christ consciousness before her , she came back but blocked the whole thing out- we have her advice on what to do and it was never followed and unfortunately a door had been left open and both my teacher and myself were left battling
This thing for a few weeks after that- experiencing many things in our homes and with our families. In a dream, after this was over, I was shown that the veils between worlds keep thinning and that things are really “turning up” for us right now as we ascend..
For this reason , I was told my purpose with readings had ended (our work is within ourselves), it’s a new world and I must warn against what’s to come. Many of our favourite gurus, masters, prophets, etc are possessed and confusing us with evil teachings in order to feed on us.
We have to pray for discernment, not everything is sweet and evil does exist... it will bring you gifts and make you feel “good” too. Ascension sickness, healing crisis, feeling/being stuck in shadow work with open traumas, soul contracts (many of which are IMPLIED),..
“Heavy energy sessions”, Tarot sessions were insects/animals come through (we deem them as simple messages and always for good instead of warnings), anyway I could go on forever but where I’m getting at is please be careful. You are worth too much and your vulnerability
Within the spirit realm is priceless and should only be accessed with and through those that are worthy of you sharing it .
@iamAleigha a bit long but there’s a lot to be said- open to talking about it if you have any questions.
You can follow @Eunoia_333.
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