Ok this might be unpopular but from a story perspective I don't think they should have revealed the Indominus as a hybrid until she takes over the raptor pack in the third act
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First of all lets get this out of the way, with JW so many dinosaurs might as well be hybrids (cough the raptors). So the idea that in-universe scientists would catch it is BS
Especially since she wasn't even publically revealed yet anyways
(I assure you this is TOTALLY a raptor)
The cover story "oh we just found this and we don't know what it is" is perfectly reasonable tbh and its a surprise it hasn't happened in-universe already. The visitors would buy it, Masrani would believe it, its a genuinely solid cover story by Wu.
So throughout the first two acts of the movie we the audience AND more importantly the characters thing that this is just a random dino Wu brought back. But questions begin to rise each time she does something. Thermal signature, camo, Owen would notice something fishy
the plot would progress as normal till the raptor part. Indominus starts talking to them and thats the point when Owen realizes that this thing isn't real, its a fucking Frankenstein hybrid. It's a twist but not without the hints leading up to it
and more importantly it sidesteps two issues
1) Wu being a dumbass with his excuses, here he can just claim "how should I've known" instead of struggling to explain why his hybrid meant for views can turn invisible
2) the hybrid concept to begin with. Of course I stil dislike the military hybrid idea, but with it being revealed later into the movie at least you don't have to pull ye old "people are bored of dinosaurs" line
it makes even further sense because if people are bored of dinosaurs they wouldn't care for a "generic" big white theropod either. I mean come on its not different enough to make a change, especially with how weird some REAL dinosaurs are
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