i think its weird that ppl think american idiot is about bush when clearly its abt how absolutely meaningless being a punk is to real revolution
its abt a sad, suburbanite kid who runs away to the city to be a punk and rebel against the system or whatever, only to just do a fuck ton of drugs, fuck around, break shit and hit on this girl constantly
then, he gets burnt out and realizes that this sucks and everyone hates him, so he fucking GOES BACK HOME AND FORGETS IT ALL. its amazingly nihilistic abt the entire concept of being a punk its so funny
the bush era is to american idiot what the aids epidemic is to rent. that is, entirely set dressing lmao
this is, of course, going along with the idea that the st. jimmy character and the jesus of suburbia character are the same, which i subscribe to. it just makes the duality of those two more poignant and st jimmy's "death" more impactful
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