I swear to God, one of these days I’m going to pitch a book called The Life-Changing Power of Knowing When to Shut the Hell Up, as soon as I figure out how to stretch that idea out for 150 pages or so.
Followed by a Netflix special, in which I go to people’s homes and placidly place a finger across their lips while shaking my head from side to side, then deleting their social media.
Some chapter titles:

The Woman You’re Explaining Things to Has a PhD in that Subject

Are You Twitter’s Main Character Today?

Saying “I’m Sorry, I Was Wrong” in Three Simple Steps
So You’ve Become a Meme

Get Your Supposed IQ Out of Your Handle

No Libs Have Been Owned Here, Honey
If You Have to Ask, It’s Racist

Could You Have Googled Instead?

You Just Inadvertently Told Everyone You’re Bad at Sex, Ben
Whoops-a-doo, my book on the value of shutting the hell up just got another chapter. https://twitter.com/katenocera/status/1351297019516772357
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