The Broken Windows theory has not been fashionable for a while but I think mob-driven unrest and increase in crime rates today have lent some credence to it.

In the 1982 Atlantic piece, George Kelling & James Wilson argued that a "broken window is a signal that no one cares,"
and so breaking more windows costs nothing”. The idea that untended disorder and minor offenses gives rise to serious crime and urban decay seems borne out by events and statistics today.

There's been a steady assault on the theory since it was published, claiming that Broken
Windows was racist and that it amounted to overzealous "zero tolerance" approaches to crime. After all, the implication was that infractions, no matter how small, have to be aggressively contained before they escalate into major problems.

But even as crime rates plummeted
in cities like NYC in the 90s, one valid argument was that it didn't prove causation but mere correlation.

Since then, behavioral economists have tried to establish the former. In an experiment conducted by Dutch researchers, they found that disorderly conditions encouraged
further and more serious levels of disorderly behavior.

In one experiment, for example, Keizer et al. placed an envelope conspicuously containing five euros in a mailbox. When the mailbox was clean, 13% of people who passed it stole the money; when it was covered with graffiti
27% took it. Increasingly, we have not only tolerated (by not enforcing penalties for say, vandalism of public monuments) but even *encouraged* disorder. And yes this includes President Trump's rhetoric and his Democratic counterparts (including some members of the media).
Crime rates (even murder) seems to have increased between 2020 from 2019. Sure we can blame economic conditions but not only is that morally condescending, it doesn't seem to be borne out globally (other countries are going through economic downturns too).
The storming of the Capitol occurred in this same political and culture milieu where Broken Windows were tolerated and even fomented.

Perhaps it's time to take the temperature down and enforce a culture of order to fix our crime problem AND discourage political violence.
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