I turned 35 last week and wanted to hear advice from 40-50 year olds.

But, my followers are small.

Luckily, @awilkinson also turned 35. He asked 100k+ followers what they regret not doing and what they cherish.

I analyzed all 533 replies

Here's what people said:

1/ Life: Get to know yourself and be radically honest. Listen to your intuition. You'll regret what you didn't do when you had the chance to. Realize what you have the chance to do and get after it. Travel. Simplify. Focus on the few activities and ppl that bring great returns.
2/ Work: Be intentional about the work you do. Take more professional risks. Starting a family changes your risk tolerance. Start something. If you are working at a job, protect your time. Be deliberate about the people you want to work with. Place family and health before work.
3/ Family: Be present. Keep in touch w/ important ppl, they will soon be gone. Appreciate how much free time you have w/o kids. Plan regular date nights with your partner. If you plan to have kids do it soon. Kids are a gift. Spend more time with them, they won't be young forever
4/ Health: Make physical activity a daily habit. Do not take your good health for granted. Getting in shape takes longer. Metabolism slows and testosterone decreases. It becomes harder to stay fit. Stretch. Aim to go into your 40s at peak physical condition.
5/ Friendship: Build a vibrant network of friends sooner. Friendship, like investing, compounds. Your friends have an outsized influence on you. Be more intentional about the friendship you form and keep. Cultivate quality friendships.
6/ Money: Start investing early, even if it's just a little. You’re in the wealth accumulation phase. Focus on earning and saving for your future. The purpose of money is freedom. If you are in a position to buy income-producing assets, do it and hold for 10-20 years.
If you enjoyed this, check out Monday Seven where I share fresh ideas and frameworks for a life well-lived.

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