Through my organization and the platforms we have created and that have been afforded me, I have repeatedly said we must unite around the core values most Canadians share. The values of Sovereignty, Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Prosperity, and Fairness.
Without Sovereignty, self-determination, and self reliance as a nation, we fail to be a nation and we lose the values we hold dear, values that thousands of Canadians have died and sacrificed defending and protecting.
We have an establishment, a swamp of our very own in Canada, and that establishment has fully capitulated to global governance, as we have seen in covid1984, we've seen with climate change, and we've seen with every other attack on the core values we have as a people and a nation
There is no getting off the path the establishment has put us on until we unite to defend the very values they need to destroy to achieve their globalist goals. The sooner the people wake to this reality, the sooner we get off that globalist path and the sooner the insanity ends.
You can follow @MarkFriesen08.
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