Ok fellow journalists. I know some of you dislike me (I’m actually nice) but I hope you will see why this is important. A thread on what to watch for re: domestic terrorism while covering anything like 1/6. This is offered with the best of intentions, and in the public interest.
1. Please familiarize yourself with the most violent white supremacist terrorist groups and their symbols/insignia. Much imagery in the latter is not immediately recognizable as terroristic or Nazi in nature to anyone who isn’t already aware of the connection, so research now.
As my new Twitter friend @msEntropy points out here, Christian Identity groups are also playing a major role in this, especially anti-abortion group the Army of God (where have I heard a name like that before lol) https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1350151471887597568?s=20
Back to white supremacist terrorist symbols. Very important to spot them. Maybe a good idea to print out this @ADL list of hate signs to have on hand. https://www.adl.org/get-adls-hate-on-display-symbols-printable-summary
Something that bothered me about the Capitol coverage is that Furry Neo-Nazi (aka QAnon Shaman, but I really dislike using the word shaman) was covered with symbols that are pagan in origin and used by many nice, non-terrorist pagans, but in this context definitely neo-Nazi.
Recognize a couple from his abs?
As I have explained, FNN and the cosplaying militiamen were most likely a distraction from the trained militia terrorists who were there. Next time, if you see a guy with a tattoo like that, please look a little closer and realize who you’re dealing with. https://twitter.com/SulomeAnderson/status/1350848496337870849?s=20
Another example: the skull mask. If you see a guy in a skull mask on Halloween, maybe don’t call the @FBI. But a guy walking down the street with a rifle in full military gear, at a time like this? Big red flag that these are not just "armed protesters." https://twitter.com/SulomeAnderson/status/1351193950162464770?s=20
Riley Williams, who allegedly wanted to steal Pelosi’s hard drive and sell it to Russia, was exposed by @itvnews as having an affinity for posing with big guns in that very same skull mask. So we know that at least one likely member or fan of a violent neo-Nazi group was involved
To reiterate, if you see a skull mask, be a little more alert—at least until this is over.
Look out for creepy-looking occult stuff—again, only in this context. Don’t go bothering nice pagans and Satanists in the street. But if you see creepy-looking occult stuff at an “armed protest,” particularly of the Norse variety, look a little closer. https://twitter.com/SulomeAnderson/status/1350599752099000323?s=20
Also watch for people sneakily changing in and out of tactical tear and back into Average Trump Supporter outfits. SUPER shady https://twitter.com/SulomeAnderson/status/1350948970772754432?s=20
Anyone who can think of other important visual or observational stuff to flag for journalists on the ground in this context, please add.
On to experts and who to follow, interview and cite. I had help with this list from @CybereVitas and @MsEntropy, both of whom you should obviously follow. Something we talked about is that journos often just cite experts on “far-right groups,” all blanketed together like that.
But different experts study different aspects of this movement, so it’s better to be more specific. In that spirit, here is a master list of accounts to follow. It is obviously incomplete because I wrote it in less than an hour and I’m tired, so everyone feel free to add at will.
14. First, let’s talk about OSINT. All journalists covering any security issue related to the inauguration should be following these accounts: @bellingcat (obvs) @citizenlab and @iwriteok. Why, you ask? Well, because--
In a situation like the #CapitolRiot, it helps to see that actually many of the men there were trained ex-military trying to avoid detection and blend in with the general mix of kooks and run-of-the-mill racists, as @jsrailton points out in his epic threads (instant follow).
I know there are others, but I don’t want to overwhelm with OSINT, so I’m going to leave it there. Worth following those accounts and seeing who they post to also follow.
Far-right disinfo: @JaneLytv, @BrandyZadrozny, for starters. Need more here, but tbh I'm running out of steam. If I forgot any important accounts, please don’t be mad. It wasn’t on purpose. Just add and flag. Thanks.
I am not casting blame. I know how hectic it gets in those situations, but the fact of the matter is that when the #CapitolRiot happened, the media was not ready. Signs were missed, bait was taken, and the world was unprepared for what turned out to be a massive terror threat.
That is in no way an indictment of any one journalist, especially those risking their lives on the ground. It is an indictment of the system that failed to cover the threat of white supremacist terrorism the way it should have for several years now. Please know I judge not at all
But given the level of sophistication of the TRAINED EX-MILITARY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT TERRORISTS we now know were absolutely confirmed to be present that day, it's even more incredible there weren't more casualties; although there may be a reason for that. https://twitter.com/SulomeAnderson/status/1351022872966389765?s=20
These folks are not done. They are out there scheming, and they are COUNTING on the media and the American public not being informed enough to spot and stop them from trying to destroy everything we hold dear. Please, look a little closer. At least for now.
That’s where I’ll leave it, for now. I’m sure I missed things, and got stuff wrong. I'm only human and I don’t have a fact-checker perched on my shoulder. I know a lot of you will roll your eyes and ignore this, and that’s fine. But I hope some of you don’t. Be safe out there.
P.S. I'm sure a lot of journalists already knew stuff on this list, but if I made any of you aware of even just one thing you missed, I'll take it as a win.
Also, if any of you made it this far: if you see someone among the garden-variety racists in a riot like that, moving and acting like a trained soldier/cop--that's because he most likely is, and he's probably not there to keep the peace. Trust your instincts. Look closer. Thanks!
LAST thing I swear, and I can't believe I forgot it. EARPIECES. There were a ton of them at the #CapitolRiot, and when worn by people in civilian clothes in that situation, they are a big red flag that there are some organized dirty tricks going on. If you see any, look closer!
You can follow @SulomeAnderson.
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