1/ I attacked Corbyn and I'm attacking Starmer and now Davey because without a reasonable degree of opposition buy-in all our pro-EU campaigning is futile. We can attack the Tories with all our force and it will come to absolutely nothing without opposition leadership support.
2/ Some people say we should trust their party's leader. I say trust and votes have to be earned, and neither Starmer nor Davey have done that. I believe the only sure means of getting them to do the right thing is the political brute force of threatening them with lost votes.
3/ I think Starmer and to a lesser extent Davey would like us hard core Remainers and Rejoiners to disappear. But let's remember that the Tory leadership wanted the Brexiters to vanish, but they didn't, and in the end they prevailed. That's a lesson for us.
4/ The only time Labour listened to Remainers was when they were dropping down to 20% in the polls and they saved themselves by shifting to backing a 2nd referendum.
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