So, basically explaining this meme, and my position on things: a thread
So I've decided to reclaim the word "F@g" for myself... what does it mean, and why ?
Well ultimately there are two parts to this. The kink aspect, and the political aspect.
First the kink:
I've basically been hemming and hawing about the decision to commit to being a f@g for a while now. But i think its time to admit it. For the past while, i've serve both Alpha Men and dominated subs on twitter and elsewhere. But in the past few months, i've slowly come to the
realization that, when serving Men, i feel more comfortable with myself. This isn't even in a purely kink aspect either. I locked away my dick permanently, so i don't even really get off to it any more. i've been financially serving a local Dom of mine for a while too, and i
again, don't really find "pleasure" in it as such, but more.... contentment. He basically made me realize that i genuinely do feel more comfortable as myself when taking a socially submissive status around others, and honestly, there is no shame in that.
the word "F@ggot" comes from the old English phrase "f@ggot work" which meant a demeaning or menial task for one's station. the original usage of the word meant a person who would actively demean themselves through work, only to then get associated with gay people, as the act of
"homosexuality" was seen as inherently demeaning. i'm a f@ggot, and not because i'm gay but because i genuinely feel my most genuine comfortable self, when serving. Sex, money, work, i actively do for the benefit for others. the word f@ggot describes myself very aptly.
now politics:
I've seen a worrying trend amongst "The Community" that the word "Q***r" has been "reclaimed" by "the community" and is now being used liberally as an umbrella term. i've been very vocal about my position on this so i'll keep this part brief. There is power in words
if there wasn't then what would be the point in taking that power back through reclamation ? I recognize the word "f@g" has power. i recognize not everyone feels comfortable with the word, hence why i censor my own use of it. while i am at peace with the word, many are not.
The same goes for the word "Q***r". As a personal reclamation as a self identifier, i support your usage of the term in taking that pain and making it your own. However, it is still a slur with a long and painful history, and like all words, still has power.
reclamation of a slur cannot be used as an umbrella word for a group of people, as essentially, not everyone can, should, or wants to reclaim a slur. How would you feel if i started pushing "the F@ggot community" as a replacement for LGBT+ ? chances are you'd object.
i chose to be open about it as a way to put into perspective this idea. if you feel uncomfortable with my usage of the term, that's valid... but imagine how it feels for others when you use an equally hurtful word for them?
Reclamation of slurs isn't for everyone. that is okay. and if you disagree with the position that Q***r and f@g aren't the same, and that f@g is more harmful somehow......
why don't you just reclaim that too 🙃
it ain't that easy, is it?....
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