Employers: you should hire employees with side gigs, especially content creators.

Here’s why it benefits you 👇 (thread)
1. You will hire better people.

Employees with side gigs tend to be hustlers, problem-solvers and A-players. If you have a rule that employees can’t freelance on the side, you’re missing out on some of your best candidates.
2. They will do their job better.

Employees who invest in themselves outside of day job hours will also get better at whatever they’re doing for you.

Whether they’re going deeper with the skills they already have or broadening their skill set, your business will benefit.
3. They might help your company gain exposure.

Your employees will meet new people through their passion business, and their great work will reflect positively on you. They might even build a brand that becomes well known and leads to opportunities for your company.
4. It showcase the company’s values.

If you say your company is innovative & forward-thinking, employees will notice when policies don’t align with those values. Value ambition & spark? Show it by hiring people who exhibit those qualities both at the office & during off hours.
5. You’ll keep your people happy and employed.

No matter how great your company is, you will never be everything for your employees. They will have lives outside of work. Allowing employees to pursue growth opportunities keeps them happy, which might keep them working for you.
6. Most companies don’t want to hire people who have strong ambitions to start their own company, because they might not stick around long.

But entrepreneurship ≠ freelancing on the side. Lots of writers want freedom to pursue variety *and* the security of a full-time job.
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