The lie these people tell is that anyone who disagrees with them “doesn’t understand science” or “denies science.”

The reality is that when push came to shove and things got real, “Dickmonkey69420” often had a better and more accurate sense of science and events than they did.
Examples abound, but this is one of the most prominent: the refusal to make reasonable inferences based on known information, with time a factor and lives on the line, in favor of an unending assertion that something was false until 100% lab-proven.
When public heath “experts“ have not been willfully lying, they have been unable to figure out the difference between an abstract epistemological question and the need to articulate practical policy, right now, for the entire world, based on the best information available.
See also the inability to recognize the inherent trade-offs which policy requires, as the refusal to admit of a possibility until it was 100% proven has led to systematic blindness to 2nd order effects. See also how long it took to even recognize the virus as a threat.
Science is in part the capacity to think clearly about reality and formulate testable hypotheses which lead to the development of knowledge. “The Science” is all too often the mindless application of rote procedure in a bureaucratic manner, designed to avoid responsibility.
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