People greatly misunderstand luck, and how it’s really a derivative of probability.

Millionaires get lucky to an extent, but not how you think. Many create a product or provide a service. Your probability of success immediately increases once you enter the arena.
First, you need to get yourself a seat at the table and put yourself in a position to get lucky (start a company/ provide value).

This takes your probability of success from ~1/1,000,000 to closer to 1/10 (90% ventures fail).

You still need some luck now, but a lot less of it.
Did Zuck get lucky starting FB?

Yes in ways. But he continuously increased his chances of getting lucky.

He released a product, and at the time he had no idea what it would become. But releasing FB V1.0 skyrocketed his probability.
Ultimately, if you can keep increasing your probability of success, you’ll need a lot less luck. And you tend to get luckier when you need less of it.
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