Full disclosure. When I started working at a right wing radio station KABC in Los Angeles l, I was fully prepared as a libertarian to give Trump a chance. He said he would not have lobbyists with their own interests. He said he would be running on his own money.
So I listened. Our daily guests were always right wingers whether a medical issue of violence. Always right wingers. Roger stone and ann Coulter were regulars. I tried to expand my mind. I mean I am a crim and punishment t woman’s since being friends with Debra rate whose sister
Was murdered by manson family. I work with her constantly to keep them behind bars. I’ve been to many parole hearings a d have spoke. For the La Bianca family. I’m deeply entrenched for 22 years. Donald Jr used to call in our show when his father was campaigning and we were
Always courteous. After trump@was elected, I saw certain things. The manner of which we presented them was always a question to me and I spoke up on air constantly. Not for the left, but for decent and normalcy. I started to pull back. I saw a monster emerge.
I saw followers that I knew turn into crazy ppl. I said “no thanks” I’m out. And so it began. Right wing ppl started to complain about a Hollywood “liberal” like me. Me. I’m For the death penalty and Against abortion (not in rape / I vest) I am always for adoption being adopted
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