They’re not Christian Jihadis. What is wrong with ppl. If I called other ppl Muslim crusaders examine why that would seem a positive statement while the former is a negative statement. We’ve been indoctrinated to see everything Muslim coded as bad and Christian coded is good 1/x
These putschists are Christian identity extremists. It’s a violent white nationalist movement with deep global roots and organized militias. They target women, people of color and leftists. Ruby Ridge and Waco are their rallying cry. Terrorists like Norway’s Brevik or 2/x
Oklahoma’s McVeigh are their heroes. The US has totally failed to curtail them, with Clinton’s admin being the last to try to tackle them head on and without counterproductive brute force. Our media brand them as nuts and lone wolves but they’re part of a broader movement 3/x
In the us they targeted women’s health care clinics with bombs and assassinated doctors. They’re also tied to the Brexit movement. The proEU woman MP Jo Cox was assasinated by a Christian identity extremist. This Christian terrorist movement isnt new, it’s older than AlQaeda 4/x
Our media is a product of a world view pushed by state and corporate authorities to code white violence as an aberration of lone sick actors, while black and brown violence is framed as organized and focused on destroying the comfortable status quo for undeserved benefit 5/x
Don’t fall into the trap of coding white violence by using Islam or Arabs or other PoCs. Christian Identity terrorists have a pedigree older than all the rest. From the KKK to the French Ultras in Algeria and many more. 6/6
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