1/7 My Dad, one of my biggest champions in life and a kind/grumpy introvert who’s sarcasm and love of all things techy, nerdy and musical has inspired so much of my life. He has been battling blood cancer for a few years now.
2/7 over Christmas we found out he had relapsed & will require a 2nd stem cell transplant. This time he will need a donor. Myself & another family member are being tested to see if we will be a match but if not it will depend on a match being found from the donor register. 2/?
3/7 I know covid is going on, & it is awful. I know thousands of families have lost loved ones and my heart aches for them. Every bit of me wants to give this man a hug. But I have to stay away from him to keep him safe. I don’t know when it will be safe to see him again.
4/7 All I can do is hope that some how the dice roll in my favour. I am match & able to doing something so small, to help someone who has done so much for me.
5/7 If you have ever donated blood before (or even if you haven’t) I’m making a heartfelt request for you all to consider registering to donate stem cells. It’s not any more intrusive than giving blood.
6/7 Registering is as simple as doing a mouth swab and you’ll only be called to donate if there is someone in need who matches to you. But every single extra person on that register is another chance for someone like my Dad to get vital treatment.
7/7 If you live in the Uk you can apply to join the register via https://www.anthonynolan.org/ 
Bonus post. If you made it this far thanking for ready this through. I know life is difficult right now for all of us and it really means a lot.

P.S. if for any reason you can’t donate then it would also mean the world to me if you share this post & spread the word. 💙
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