Scientists investigating whether it's possible to be re-infected with a new variant of SARS-CoV-2 in S. Africa. Antibodies from previous infection didn't recognise new variant in 21/44 cases but 🤞 T-cells might. Precarious position & points towards need for max suppression.
Good news: we know how to control COVID. Countries have done it. We need: restrictions until #s low & buy-in of population that there's a plan, robust test/trace/isolate, and very tight border restrictions. Clear COVID, open domestic economy fully & firefight as outbreaks arise.
Countries that have the resources & political will should clearly eliminate COVID-19. Living with this virus is too dangerous to health & too destructive to the economy and society. Time to pivot from flu plan onto SARS plan. Better now than in a year's time.
We have been in recurrent lockdown cycles with no plan. We need a plan to get ourselves out of this pit with pay-off for all those who have sacrificed. People won't keep complying if they don't think there's light ahead on when life will get back to normal.
Quite simply: as new variants emerge we don’t know whether our vaccines will protect against them or whether having COVID once means you can’t get it again. Not scare-mongering but laying out facts & scientific uncertainty. Why wait and watch instead of getting ahead of this?
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