
Man Utd 0 vs. 0 Liverpool — Tactics. #MUFC #LIVMUN
Liverpool in possession buildup short with Alisson only forced to play 4 longballs throughout the 90. This was also helped by United not opting for a high press throughout the game. However, at times, United did press and when they did they forced Liverpool down the flanks.
Pogba pushed up to help the press and make it a 3v3. This allowed AWB to push up to press Robertson. The drawback from that is that the backline to go 1v1 with LFC forwards. It was a risk #mufc was not willing to take very often. It lead to 1 or 2 dangerous situations with Salah.
United were successful multiple times in winning the ball back through pressing the flanks - especially LFC right hand side with Pogba, Scott and AWB. Unfortunately, they were either fouled, overhit or misplaced the final pass after it.

No aggressive press just guiding Liverpool out to the wide areas before the move aggressively. Bruno, Pogba, Rashford just cutting off Thiago and Wijnaldum. #MUFC
LFC in possession 334 which some times switched to 3133 to overload the central areas and stretch United second line.
As discussed in my preview, as United will try cover the FBs well, LFC dropped Firmino in midfield. Create overload v ManUtd 442 out of possession shape.
As United where able to switch fast enough, Liverpool used an interesting pattern with Thiago and Shaqiri. Aim to get Thiago on the ball aa much as possible while cover the CBs with a FB as CB instead of Thiago.
This forced United to shift to their left to compensate and cover the midfield overload but as Mane tucks in to drag AWB and Pogba tucks in to midfield to avoid superiority and be an outlet if United win the ball. United's right side was empty. #MUFC
It took United until 25-30 min to get the balance right in midfield and cancel the overloads. #MUFC
United also started to deny Thiago space and he started to commit fouls (most fouls (4) committed on the pitch) and make loose long balls. This resulted in Thiago pushing up more and forgetting his defensive duties a little. #MUFC
Due to Thiago pushing up even further, this gave Fernandes more space to operate & release Rashford. OGS used Fernandes as a 2nd striker in this game. This led to BF to ignore closing down Thiago when United are OOP. Another reason, why Thiago was able to dictate the game better.
Another advantage of Liverpool pushing up that high and forcing United into a low block, Once the ball was won back Pogba had acers of space to run into and dictate as he was tucked in midfield a little.
Man Utd did have the ball a lot (obv) but when they did, they buildup in 3313 shape and got out of LFC433 narrow pressing shape quite often. However, United's inability to keep possession due to sloppy passing, overhit passes or offside is what made LFC have majority of the ball.
Example one of #MUFC buildup patterns.
Example two of #MUFC buildup patterns.

- Buildup 3322 -> 3313
- Double pivot shift to open angles.
- Switch to CAM in space on left side as LFC dragged right
- RW , LW, & CF make run.
Example three of #MUFC buildup patterns.

- Buildup 3322
- Double pivot shift to open angles & RW drops.
-CAM shifts wide and release to space vacated by CDM.
- LW CF makes run. 2v2 with CBs
In the 2nd half, United sat 15 yards deeper to close the space for Thiago more and reduced the space Liverpool can exploit behind McFred. This forced Fabinho and Henderson to try to create themselves and push forward. At this point, the game started to become end to end.
The substitutions from Solskjaer were a bit straight forward. Martial's energy levels were dropping and despite his bad game Rashford was still constantly making runs. #mufc
Greenwood was sub, as Solskjaer said, tactical. Shift Pogba to the 10 is he's more of a physical presence, can drive & had more stamina left than Fernandes.+ Adding another dangerous shooter in the box to Cavani. The risk was he completely left Robertson FREE. 2v1 v AWB.
This is why these risky substitutions are better in the last 5 minutes.

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