Kicking off the seed round for House of Wise this week 😬

wanted to share 5 things I've learned while attempting to raise capital during COVID (raised our pre-seed last summer)
Don't be a turtle

If you only pop your head out when it's time for money, it's a lot harder. I keep a list of dream investors and make sure to keep them posted along the way. Always be networking.

Share milestones + ask for help ..... get ppl invested mentally b4 financially.
Asking for money is hard......dragging convos on for a long time is even harder. Deadlines are important.

I let a few potential investors drag me through 5-6 meetings before passing and it was a LOT of time spent prepping for those meetings.

It's ok to set deadlines.
It's a full time job. Tell your team.

When you're fundraising, it's important to tell your team your time is dedicated to this important task.

You will fall behind on email so give your team clear expectations + touchpoints so they can keep moving.
"I don't need your money, I want it"

This is an important distinction. Don't wait until you are out of runway to raise out of desperation. Always raise when you could keep going if you can't raise capital.
Research your investors. Know their thesis.

Don't pitch a D2C company to a fund with a SaaS or AI investment thesis. Save your time and energy but focusing your pitch on the right people for your company.
It's not an easy process. Those that think it is have access, safety nets or self

Find people who are aligned with you, your mission and can support you in the ways you need.

Good luck to anyone raising right now!
You can follow @AmandaMGoetz.
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