1/ Rounding in our large HD unit past 3 wks & teaching @thehappykidneys @JCummingsMD about P @ sec hyperparathyroidism (secHPT), one of the frustrating topics in Neph. Little data but expert opinions have set goals for P and PTH that pts, MDs, dietitians try to achieve ...
3/I use a variation of this figure from the NEJM paper to discuss secHPT.
✅In early CKD, P & Ca remain in the normal range at expense of elevated PTH
✅Eventually GFR deteriorates to the point where compensation no longer occur
✅Check out the original figure from 1969 paper
4/ FGF-23 not known in 1970s.
This @CJASN review depicts the complicated, convoluted and intricate Ca – P – Vit D – FGF-23 - 1,25OHVitD – PTH interactions in normal individuals and those with CKD.
https://cjasn.asnjournals.org/content/6/4/913 .

Did I mention it is complicated????
⚡️SecHPT assoc with: bone pain, fractures, vascular and valvular calcification, worsening anemia, dec response to ESA, calciphylaxis etc
⚡️ Management:
✅Control of phos (diet/binders)
✅Active Vitamin D
6/Low P Diet
✅Dietary P restriction about 1000 mg/day
✅Restricting P is hard, esp with need for adequate protein intake
Some high P foods
✅Organ meats, sardines,
✅Processed foods
✅Dark sodas
✅ for Aussie friends -Vegemite!
7/ P binders (not all used now or approved)
✅ Chitosan chewing gum
For periodic table/chemistry geeks👇
I couldn't find the rationale as to why Al became the first one tried
⚡️ Excreted by the kidneys
⚡️ Accumulation of Al led to osteomalacia/adynamic bone disease, encephalopathy, dementia
⚡️ No longer used in US and other countries
⚡️ In hindsight - probably not a good idea to use as a binder in pts without kidney function
12/Iron based binders
✅Sucroferric oxyhydroxide (Velphoro, FDA approved 2013)
✅Iron based chewable pill
✅ Ferric Citrate (Auryxia approved 2014
non-chewable pill
✅Only binder approved for rx of Fe def anemia
✅Great review: https://www.jrnjournal.org/article/S1051-2276(16)00010-8/pdf
13/How to use/choose binders🤔? (I have no COI)
✅One is not "better" than the other
✅If serum Ca is low or low-normal – start with ca binder
✅After that –trial and error, and COST!
✅What works for one pt doesn’t work for other
✅All have GI SE of varying degree/manifestations
14/Other caveats
✅CaxP is meaningless - number pulled out of thin air by KOL long time ago. Hhave discussed this with Dr.S :-)
✅ serious GI SE can occur https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28852493/ 
✅Most binders contraindicated in those with high risk for SBO, or have other GI complications
15/Waiting for 2 important RCTs to see if any of this leads to meaningful outcomes
⚡️ Hi-Lo: https://www.ajkd.org/article/S0272-6386(20)31131-8/fulltext
⚡️ PHOSPHATE trial: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03573089
Shoutout to @WUNephrology stalwarts/mentors Drs. Slatopolsky,Delmez and others who did so much work in this area
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