Yo bruh cats are mad spiritual.
Ahh, i get it. It's their aura. Or the size of it compared to their body. Their aura density is insane. It covers the entire house & the area they stay in.
If a cat is drawn to you. if you come across a cat & it comes to sit on your lap unprovoked it means 2 things. You are good vibes & your aura/spirit output is large in the positive sense.
Cats can see spirits, its why they dart around the place aimlessly & chase things you cannot see. They're literally on a different frequency. They even use their energy to trap & remove foreign energies.
No wonder certain cultures perform rituals where they move into new houses. They let the cat go in first to feel the place out or find any ghosts. They will fully find & remove like spiritual anti virus removal.
2 years ago, cats started following me in Brighton. They still do & sometimes i come home & find a black one in my house unprovoked!
You know what i found out today? An important family member died some years ago & when he did, his 2 cats. One died where he did. As in the location. The other left & never came back. Huh??
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