*A story of comparisonitis and a plea for help*
When I got offered my book deal last year I was OVER THE MOON. Brilliant editor, big-five publisher, lovely agent. Dream, dream, dream but...
There was one catch: it was digital-first (with a potential to be digital-only, time will tell). I thought about it a bit, talked to my husband and he reminded me that my goal had never been 'get a book published as a paperback'...
It had and was 'Get my book published and have people read it.' Therefore, my goal would be achieved with this deal and I'd lose nothing I wanted. So what was I worried about?
Apart from the loss of the ego-stroke of holding my book in my hands like I'd dreamed about, I realised I would be stupid to pass up a book deal for the sake of a format.
So, I said yes and have been on a high since working with my editor, chatting to my agent, doing all the things you imagine doing as a 'real author' (incl. crying over edits / staring hopelessly at your laptop at 2am as a deadline approaches)
A lovely part of this process which has happened recently is meeting fellow debuts authors. The only downside? They're all trad published and my comparisonitis has been raging. The beautiful proofs! The reviews in magazines! The bookstagram pics!
But focusing on what you don't have is quite frankly rather dull and I don't want to do it anymore. I'm proud of my book, I'm really excited for people to read it and I want to embrace the digital publishing world with full dramatic force 🤓
sOoO... I'd love to meet/follow/chat to fellow digitally published authors and people in the digital publishing world. If you are someone like that or know someone like that, please give me a wave đź‘‹ (sorry for the dramatic thread, I think I'm a dramatic person)
You can follow @sophielflynn.
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