Before you go off on @chrissyteigen for getting into an expensive past time right now, bear in mind that horses and their benefits aren't exclusive to the privileged few.

Here's some people making horses more accessible (a thread 🧵)
Brianna Noble and her farm Mulatto Meadows, whose program Humble uses horses to inspire positivity among youth in the East Bay Area.

Follow her on Instagram: @/urbancowgirl510
Kim and Troy Meeder of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch here in OR, who rescue abused and neglected horses and give them new life as they are used for therapy for abused and neglected children who otherwise couldn't access horses.
These are just a few examples of people who understand the powerful and positive way horses can impact us emotionally.

There's a lot of evidence supporting the use of horses for our physical and mental health. Sure, there's been some out-of-touch celebs tweeting about horses-
-during the pandemic (see Kim Kardashian's tweet where she couldn't even spell her Friesian horses' breed, lot Logan Paul buying his gf two horses...)
but personally it warmed my heart to know Chrissy has horses to turn to after all she's been through recently. Why resent that?
I'm also speaking from personal experience. Affording my own horse is challenging and I work VERY hard to make it possible. For me, the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices. I am truly happy when I'm with her and she's essential for managing my depression/anxiety disorder.
Yes there's a lot of elitism in the horse world and it's annoying, but horses deserve to be enjoyed by everyone and you shouldn't go around mocking people of any social status who are benefiting emotionally from time with horses. I've gotten shit for owning a horse too.
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