why gabi is one of the best/most well written characters in aot and doesn’t deserve nearly the amount of hate she gets: a thread
i wanna talk about how gabi and eren are parallels. just as he had one goal, to kill the titans, and so did she, bring honor to eldians. But just as eren learned that his enemies weren’t who he thought they were, gabi had to learn the same thing. she was brainwashed to hate/kill
she’s lived with the enemy and saw that they’re just like her. the difference between the characters though is that eren changed into someone even his comrades couldn’t make sense of. gabi has joined the scouts into assuring humanity would survive.
let’s talk about why gabi wants the armored titan and would do anything to get it. she has grown up in a society that has told her she is a devil for her whole life.
she’s been brainwashed into believing these racist ideologies and wholeheartedly believes that the people on paradis are the reason for her and her family suffering. she’s headstrong because she is doesn’t inherit the armored titan she won’t have a chance to free/save eldians.
this is her main motive, she wants eldians to be saved. but let’s dive deeper into how her character has grown.
i’ve seen many people call her selfish and self centered which i disagree with but even if she was isn’t that how many 12 year olds are? she believes she’s the best because that’s all she’s been told her whole life.
but she’s been told she’s the best to restore the name of eldians and that’s the goal she is trying to acomplish. she does enjoy the praise but i believe the main goal was to free the eldians. but let’s say she is selfish in the beginning.
in season 1 we saw jean at 15 acting the same way she had in the beginning; arrogant in his abilities and not taking into account how grave the situation was. it took jean to see the tragedy that occurs beyond the walls to humble himself.
and that’s exactly what gabi did when she ran away on paradis.
now let’s talk about her character development after she arrived on paradis.
previously to this, she had just killed a fan favorite. she hopped the plane knowing there was not much she could do but tried anyways because they had just destroyed her hometown. many people she cared about died.
she watched zophia and udo brutally killed and then watched the guards who had shown her kindness die by the hands of sasha. she shots sasha and swears to kill them all which is the thing some people can’t seem to get past.
once she arrives on paradis she escapes and finds refuge with a family she has no idea is in relation to sasha and meets kaya (the girl sasha saved in season 2) kaya learns their secret about being from marley and plans to help them by introducing them to niccolo.
before this, gabi and kaya form a friendship with her. her and her families kindness only shocks gabi and makes her believe they’re untrustworthy. when the family finds out she’s the one who killed sasha the parents of sasha spare her life.
i want to add this to give some perspective as well
she’s beyond confused as the dad explains that it was war. sasha shot others and then she was shot herself. gabi is beyond confused and is shocked at the kindness he’s showing and the kindness of mikasa. then kaya, someone who she’s grown fond of attempts to kill her.
she can’t understand why she feels so heartbroken since she believed they were devils. this is when her view on the “devils” really starts to shift. she’s lived with them and seen how they’re no different but cannot wrap her head around the idea.
she’s been brainwashed that killing is the only option and this is the first time she’s realizing it’s not. let me also add this for the people who the she doesn’t care about falco
when she hears kaya say “i can’t forgive them. i want to kill them.” shes seeing a complete reflection of herself. they’re just people and no longer the devils she once believed them to be. the war is unjustified and too many people died at their hands and hers.
gabi watched as people she was close to die (colt & porco) and realized how much war has cost them; for no reason. when she learns of erens plan she realizes she has to do what she can if it means saving everyone. she has to trust the “devils” she was once trained to hate
then, when gabi saves the family again, kaya sees sasha in gabi. someone who is willing to sacrifice their life for the people they care about. gabi is no longer blinded by hate. gabi has accepted the fact that she is a “devil” and that blaming others is going to solve nothing.
she learns that anyone can become a devil with the wrong influence.
let me add this again for ppl who think she’s selfish
i did not start off liking gabi but i know why she has done the things she’s has and i’ve forgiven her. she’s tired of fighting and wants to help the scouts save the rest of the world. sasha’s friends and family forgave her i think it’s about time we all do as well.
her development is so good and is what makes her such a good character. stan gabi.
please make your own tweet if you disagree with me. i spent a while on this and i do not want to see it. i do not care.
gabi stans follow me
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