hi, this is the media relations manager for Dave Ramsey. please don't let this blow over. They think they can get away with their abusive language and tactics because, well, we've let it happen thus far. https://twitter.com/curtharding/status/1351188275185274883
More importantly, show them the official response from Ramsey solutions (this response was sent to local pastors, effectively doxxing journalist Bob Smieta). Classic narcissistic abuser language and tactics: https://religionnews.com/2021/01/15/full-ramsey-solutions-response/
If you like some of the (very basic) strategies Ramsey promotes guess what? You can get them in a myriad of places that won't shame you or encourage you to judge/dismiss people in systemic poverty (You Need a Budget, for example).
For Christian resources, I can't recommend enough this open-source (free) curriculum called Lazarus at the Gate (not budgeting but an actually holistic concept of a Biblical framework around money and resources) https://www.theologyofwork.org/uploads/general/lazarus-at-the-gate-curriculum.pdf
honestly churches are the ones who promote and uphold the toxic Ramsey empire. I've struggled to figure out why. Is it because the *one* time he explicitly tells people to give away their wealth is the 10% tithe to their church? There are so many other budgeting resources . . .
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