I wanna go further into this point of how "april being black is genuis"
Because it really is a genuis way to get april to relate to the turtles and splinter even more than previous versions of the character https://twitter.com/cosmonautstitch/status/1344045490741125120
In this point it was said that April being black allows her to naturally be seen as an other by society
Much like how the turtles and splinter would be seen as others by they're appearance aswell
In fact we already see this in episodes the really show this
For the turtles the
Episode that shows this is the mutant menace and for april it's always be brownies

First mutant menace in this episode the turtles are in danger of being discovered to New York city and the workd by Baxter stockboy
Stickboy reveals all the wrong these mutants have done Such as
Ruining birthdays
Destroying parks
And vandalising museums
Stockboy has not only revealed the mutants but also has shown to the public how dangerous they are
But we as the audience know that hes only showing the bad theyve done to further prove his point that their a menace to
In those he showed we know that the turtles were doing good
They saved children from a killer robot
They saved humanity from the age of albearto
And they stopped the silverfish hypno and the foot from commiting their crimes in the act
Stockboy does this again with more
"Menacing" acts
But we can infer from all of this that stockboy has been watching them and knows that they were actually trying to do the right things in all of these situations but he doesnt care because he wants the money artention and power he can gain from all of this
You can even see in the headlines subscribe and donate
Showing what Baxter's true intent is here to gain more of a following from others
And it's working Baxter has already convinced people that mutants are bad causing so many to start rioting and protesting against mutants
Raph even says we were trying to be nice to them
Despite all the good theyve done for the city and it's people everyone is still so upset at them
The turtles barely escape being un noticed
But we also see the effects this had on them mentally
They were reflecting on all
The good theyve done for the city and they saw how fast everyone they tried so hard to protect just turned against them
They even question if they'll ever get the respect they deserve for all the good they do for the people of the city
They even inspire themselves to keep going and not give in to what everyone thinks about them
They say they'll keep trying and wont give up even if they never get the respect they deserve for all the good they do
Now onto aprils episode that drives her connection and relatability to the turtles even further always be brownies

The episode starts off with april trying to sell cookies to save the trees
Much like the turtles april is trying to help out in anyway she can but is also being
Ignored for what shes doing
Unlike april though right across from her are little girls selling brownies for what appears to be they're own financial gain
And yet they're getting all the attention while april is actively being ignored despite her reason shes selling cookies is
To clearly not just to help herself
Also notice the color of the main girl selling those brownies
This most likely played a huge role in why so many people want to buy brownies from her because she is more accepted in society and usbt seen as an other to the majority of people
She even throws shade at april saying her brownies are way better than cookies actively stealing the business away from April

April notices this but doesnt say anything about it because she knows no matter what she does or says she'll somehow be seen as in the wrong by others
Despite april clearly having the better reason to sell the cookies for the good of others shes the one bring ignored much like how the turtles constantly do good for others but are ignored too not only that but both Julia and stockboy were using april and the turtles to gain
More power for themselves
Julia is selling those brownies so she and grandma cj can rule the world
And stockboy wants to gain a huge following off of the turtles reveals
Much like how stockboy actions got to the turtles the girl scouts actions got to april and started to get her to reflect on how hard she tries to fo good it causes her to be down too
She starts doubting herself she tries so much to help everyone
Such as creating clubs at school but she always messes it up or no one joins the clubs with her
April starts to see herself as a failure
People literally were rushing to buy cookies from a rat who had to make a story about why they should but the cookies and yet april was so direct eith them an no one brought a cookie from her
But much like the turtles april inspires herself to keep going and keep trying to make a difference in the world and never give up no matter how hard the world may be on her
These episodes did great jobs at showing just how hard life is for these characters April and the turtles aren't accepted or treated fairly just by how they look but they all are good people foing great things and fighting against what the world thinks of them and doing amazing
They all have to hide who they truly are around others but around each other they're all just a fun family that love each other and they can all be as loud and as crazy as they want to be
April being black is genuis and her being a teen is perfect too
She relates so
Much more to these guys now because shes around the same age as them and faces similar challenges in life to them aswell and that makes her so much more relatable to all of them and makes her fit perfectly in with this family

Rise is so awesome ❤
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