Fusionism is holding the Conservative Party back. It needs to be a labour party, and needs to assert a nationalist position in opposition to American free trade.

The only way to win even close to a majority is by attracting working-class votes from the NDP, not moderate Liberals
In addition the Conservatives are at risk of being punished by the social conservative faction - roughly 40% of the party. The CPC needs to offer policy on immigration reduction and abortion if it wants to mobilize its core supporters. Good luck getting out the vote otherwise.
Immigration reduction is one of the most desired wedge issues by Canadians - at 12% as their top issue. Roughly 50% of Canadians would like to see lower rates. The CPC would be wise to take advantage of this.
The Tories are attempting to win in rural Quebec, but they fundamentally misunderstand the voters there. Yes very secular - but they are also nativist and oppose multiculturalism, and poor and demand social assistance and quality work. https://thecanadianjournal.com/the-rural-coalition/
The CPC needs five things to win:

- A native Quebecois leader like @RichardDECARIE

- A plan to reduce immigration and foreign temp workers.

- A universal basic income program.

- A plan to break off USMCA; protectionist policy to bring jobs.

- SoCon appeasement with abortion.
@pdrobertson make the changes accordingly, fight the media barrage with STRENGTH, and you will see incredible results. Trust me.
You can follow @richcarmichael.
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