People really showing their classism lately on here when it comes to paying people a living wage (upping minimum wage, how dare ‘burger flippers’ afford to live?!) & judging others for the price of things in their home.

Do better.
FYI it’s not kind or attractive huns x
I can 100% say the job I worked for min wage at WH Smith’s within a hospital was tough for min reward.

Was more stressful/draining than my job as an assistant psychologist.

Same w admin in CMHT, paid little, abuse all day...5 days of stress got same as my AP role for 2.5 days
The amount of abuse I’d get down the phone & at reception (although couldn’t really do a lot about it as patients aren’t well) and the number of times I went to the bathroom to cry cos of running the office single handed...

More difficult than even job now at trainee therapist
People who work for minimum wage work bloody hard it’s pure graft & often thankless work.

When was in admin I’d get social workers demanding I would clean when patients were ill despite my role not being a cleaner or being infection control trained. Cos I was “just admin” đŸ„Ž
I even had to “placement/volunteer” 30 hrs a week for *no pay* just *universal credit* for 8 WEEKS to even be employed as an admin officer for the mental health team w the council.

felt like crying handing out everyone’s payslips and I had about ~£200 a month to live on bk then
I couldn’t even afford my bus fares to work and my bf at the time would help me pay for a weekly ticket and sometimes drop me off and pick me up. Cos I was that skint. Same with meals he took me in as basically became homeless back in 2016-17 if his family hadn’t helped out. Mad.
Tbh the that “workstart+” contract the council & job centre had back then was pure exploitation.
I had to work for 8 weeks unpaid and absorb all the travel costs (even volunteers get expenses refunded) & wasn’t even guaranteed a job at the end. Had a degree & masters then too!đŸ„Ž
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