1/x When @fbnewsroom says the company is “doing X,” it’s important that those covering the news make clear that these are *claims,* not facts. Sponsored posts advertising armor and shooting accessories are still in my feed. Includes hi capacity magazines illegal in my state. https://twitter.com/fbnewsroom/status/1348737763278016512
🙄 Look at the fuckin ad text!!

“Resist tyranny and defend your God...”

@Facebook is here to make money from and arm wanna-be cop-killers and religious fascists.
Nobody needs this shit for “home defense,” @Facebook:
4/x (Oops forgot numbers in previous tweets, resuming.)

At this point, I feel like there’s someone in Silicon Valley like, very specifically trolling me.
5/x More stuff in my feed that “Facebook has banned.”
6/x Facebook has succeeded in getting great, free PR, to promote a lie that makes them look responsive to the mess they made: millions of Americans disconnected from reality thanks to their ads and algorithms. Only BuzzFeed gets the headline right here: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/facebook-pauses-ads-for-gun-accessories-and-military-gear
7/x When unlawful militias and MAGA/QAnon terrorists are plotting to “arrest” and execute Americans, maybe don’t advertise handcuffs and body armor together?
8/x Facebook’s algorithm has figured out that I’m engaging with ads related to weapons and armor, so I’m getting served more. I’m sure police around the country are *really* excited about the quick-draw under-dashboard pistol mount being a thing.
9/x Facebook algorithm really wants me to buy a speed-loader for the pistol I don’t have (and would need a license for). Pages serving the ads are very recently created, with admins in China.

This is fine. Everything is fine.
10/x More...
11/x Starting to see the same video ad for a speed loader across multiple recently-created pages. Does this not qualify as “coordinated inauthentic behavior,” and violate Facebook’s anti-spamming rules?
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