The Bell vs Tavistock appeal will see the review redone as is. This means the case the Tavistock put forward will be exactly the same as last time. No new arguments/evidence.

Meaning that this appeal has every chance of going the same way. BUT..1/2
...The @GoodLawProject are intending to intervene, meaning they can present new arguments, evidence and witnesses. Much better odds.

If you want to make sure that the kids have the best chance here, share this link and donate what you can. 2/2
This appeal is very good news. But from what we have been told, this is going to be tough to reverse.

But even if this does go wrong, there are ways out. Keep your head up and all that. If you know a trans kid, give them the biggest hug you can... safely obvs.
And if you are one of the few trans kids on here and not on snap tok or whatever it is you kids do.... we aren’t going to forget about you. We were you once. Got your back xxx
You can follow @WhatTheTrans.
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