We'll all have seen lots in the news recently about Free School Meals while schools are closed across the UK. We're delighted to see nearly every local authority in Scotland now providing direct payment for FSM to families rather than vouchers or food. Why does it matter? 1/4
In #CostoftheSchoolDay research last lockdown, families told us that receiving the payment directly means choice, good value and being able to buy food that they know their children will eat 2/4
Families also said that these direct payments removed any stigma from FSM, providing dignity at a difficult time - 3/4
Direct free school meal payments make life a little easier for families on low incomes - we're so pleased to see such great progress in Scotland. Have a look at this new blog to find out what else parents and children say helps while schools are closed http://bit.ly/2N4sM4S  4/4
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