Which one of my pets has the strongest fanbase lmao
My babies
The case for Annie

- Japanese
- Only 20 lbs, way smaller than she looks
- Awooos a lot
- chubby cheeks
- curly tail
- literally the most beautiful dog in the entire world she’ll bring you to tears
- a true joy to spend time with
The Case for Peach
- sickly little runt
- you can hold her like a baby
- she grunts instead of purring
- has a scraggly yell
- always looks mad
- literally the most affectionate cat of all time
- everyone is her best friend
- clumsy and stupid
The Case for Dennis
- I mean have you seen him
- he has vampire teeth
- he SMILES when you scratch his chin
- he’s kind of a loner but that makes it even nicer when he befriends you
- cheese addict
- he doesn’t bite my feet anymore
- the 2019 polar vortex miracle
The Case for Effie
- Underdog who hides all the time
- The best cuddler
- Scared of everything except humans
- Very graceful
- Softest of the pets
- Mature, just likes to chill out
- Chonky enough to be perfect cuddle size
- Also lets you hold her like a baby
The cons for each lmaooo
I had to edit the Peach cons list down significantly lmaoo but she's obviously worth the trouble
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