bc i think it's worth talking about, here are my thoughts on webcomics, whats good about them, and why you should or shouldn't do them
webcomics have essentially No editorial oversight (unless you actively seek it out) which is a double edged sword. you might and will probably make mistakes, write subpar scenes, draw some poor pages,etc-
BUT this means you can make your story exactly how you want! you are beholden to no one but yourself, it will exist exactly how you want it to. this i think makes them worth doing, or at least attempting, if you want to write or draw comics someday.
webcomics are not: by and large, lucrative. there are going to be success stories, but this kind of "boom" we're experiencing such as it is sees the middleman platforms making money in general over the creators.
webcomics are also not: easy. even if you ARE being paid in some way. webcomics subsist especially on passion. and i don't mean "IF UR NOT PASSIONATE ABOUT UR STORIES THEN GTFO" i mean that webcomics are HARD. and grueling. they are easy to start and hard to finish.
without that passion for the medium or the story your telling, it can be hard to continue. and your passion may wane!! burnout is real and it can and will happen!
doing webcomics will show you how well you can shield the embers of your passion from the cold winds of reality until you can stoke them into a bonfire again.
all this to say: webcomics are not a good medium to saaaay Try and Fill a Market Niche, in my personal opinion. more then anything else, they're going to subsist on You. your drive, your want, your spite, whatever gets you up in the morning.
the way that the internet has morphed and how creator and audience have been conditioned to see each other is, Bad. In every medium. no matter how you slice it.
but it isn't their job to keep you going.
this thread is a partial subtweet sure, but im also thinking about You, person who's considering starting a webcomic. obviously i have my own opinions, but at the core i don't think there are Right and Wrong reasons. just think about which ones will keep you going.
shit's hard!! capitalism is only making things harder. i've been trying to drag my webcomic off of hiatus for 2 years. but personally, if i had never discovered RP forums and became an Internet Person, i'd still be scribbling comics in a sketchbook somewhere
i make comics because i HAVE to. i draw because i have to, some primordial force within me tells me to make stories and that this is the way they NEED to exist. i make comics because i LOVE comics
which is maybe outdated, maybe i've become a comics grandma, at 26
and frankly, if Filling a Market Niche and Appealing to A Market is what gets you going, who am I to judge?
Just try to understand your own reasons to working in a medium, and try not to blame others for loss of passion.
anyway this kinda meandered and i don't think has the strongest conclusion but whatever i need to wrap this up because comics aren't going to draw themselves, apologies for opinions on main
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