Corbyn v Evans court hearing has just ended. Master Sullivan, the judge, said she would provide a "judgment in writing as soon as I can". Corbyn's team is trying to force the disclosure of Labour Party documents.
They say these documents would prove there was a deal between his representatives and Keir Starmer's team around Corbyn's readmission to the party – including “drafts and redrafts” of Corbyn’s second statement (released on the morning of Labour concluding his disciplinary case).
The lawyer instructed by the Labour Party in Corbyn v Evans denied claims that an agreement was reached with Starmer’s team on Corbyn’s readmission, saying “there is no agreement”.
Labour's lawyer also said there were “no notes” and “no minutes” from the meeting attended by Keir Starmer, Angela Rayner, Morgan McSweeney, Unite’s Len McCluskey and Jon Trickett MP following Corbyn’s original suspension.
Corbyn's lawyer confirmed in the hearing that they would be applying for an injunction to restore the Labour whip immediately and stop a second investigation into the same matter that was already investigated by the party (and concluded by the NEC panel).
Corbyn's lawyer made a point of telling the hearing that Labour's GLU decided there was "no prejudicial conduct", "no overtly discriminatory language" and "no hostility or prejudicial intent" in the Facebook post that led to Corbyn's original suspension.
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