1/ The “discussion” about Miami and tech is so funny - and spotlights privilege, FOMO and arrogance.

First, Miami isn’t a new product or platform to hype.

It’s the seventh most populated city in the US, even before you.
You didn’t discover Miami or it’s weather.
2/ Second, please stop putting down other cities to further show your *brilliance* in following the pack.

And saying it’s cheaper than the top two or three cities doesn’t make you smart. It shows being tone deaf.

[Also noting a new funny flex of geotagging Miami in tweet.]
3/ Third, the privilege here is on full blast.

“I’m here and figuring out my long term plans” - plus the extensive public discussion of picking a Barry’s class or fancy hotel to meet to up at - self awareness much? Must be nice?

[“Here and figuring it out” - also a new flex]
4/ Thinking you’re winning doesn’t require another person to, in your mind, be losing.

How about Atlanta, KC, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, Austin, Tampa, Durham, Indy, Nashville: all awesome and great tech communities!

And diverse!

And often cheaper than Miami.
5/ So a few wealthy VCs go to Miami and hype it like an insider party round.

People follow.

FOMO + weather photos ensues.

The enlightened have moved in, Miami must be so very proud.
6/ People are losing family members left and right, a global pandemic has us in its grip, democracy is under attack, and the racial and political divides in our country are massive and need focus and healing.

Maybe pushing Miami and the beach can chill a bit...

Truth: the one likely impacted the most by people leaving to go to Miami is The Rosewood, Sand Hill Road.

And to them, thoughts and prayers.
You can follow @JeremyShure.
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