First things first. Let's settle who @DavidNdii really is. In my research, he is from a 'home guard' headed family. Back those days before the Lari massacre, Lari was shared between the indigenous of the area, wazungus, five clans from Tigoni area and the converted who had
followed the AIM missionaries to Kijabe. Ndii, from Nyeri and specifically Mathira comes in the last group. The groups interactions created tension as the colonial system favoured everybody else but the indigenous community and three of the five clans who originally came from
Tigoni. Clans from Tigoni had been evicted by colonial government to create room for European land owners. Three of the clans had bitterly resisted the move but to no avail. Chief Wakahangara👈 previously a noboby (probably my grandfather being son of my g. grandfathers sister👉
Nyakahangara) 'sold' everybody. Their resettlement at Lari brought great indifference from the locals (It was the three clans who resisted eviction from Tigoni allied with the indigenous of Lari vs the two loyal clans from Tigoni and the converted who had followed missionaries
from whom chiefs and 'home guards' were picked) On the night of the infamous massacre at Lari everybody in C. Kenya and who was able to comprehend matters, shudders at the sheer terror. The double massacres that 👉 night of long knives were unparalleled. We know on
on who's side the collaborators were aaaand David needs to tell us where his father(s) were on that night. Were they with chief Makimei or back home waiting to kill collaborators David, a well educated but scantily schooled guy cheats you and me that the Kenyattas stole all land
Yes the old guy unschooled on much messed an otherwise great opportunity to transform a newly independent country and thereby sent it into endless cycles of violence. David in his life didn't do any better. Like his grandfather who had power in mind when he left his people,
used his good connections to 'nail down' a colonial chief granddaughter. Not that there weren't other appealing ladies about but 'class' was all that occupied his mind. His relations back home in Nyeti took great chunks of land form Europeans at independence.
Davids battle with the Kenyattas is all about envy because someone beat him in his own game! He went to school at Nyahururu H. School and to punished everybody in his class by putting his all. As a country we don't have to go down that route. Yes my father left prison in 1956 to
to find his inheritance appropriated by his brothers. He went ahead, worked hard and bought some for himself and family. It is not worth whining all the time. I have witnessed the Ndeis'(from Nyeri and Kinangop) sell land. The Kenyattas are no exception. Just don't lust for it.
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