Keeping the inauguration outdoors in DC despite the ongoing threat is having a huge effect on the hundreds of thousands of people who, yes, actually LIVE in this largely Black city, and I feel like that’s not getting enough attention.

A thread. 1/x
2/ Violent white supremacists are coming (back) to town. Last week, 3 Black women were attacked by Trumpers.

“This time there’ll be way more cops though!”

Well, last week there were cops too. **All 3 women were arrested while the attackers were not.**
3/ Black people have known forever that law enforcement forces attract white supremacists.

And DC streets are now absolutely crawling with them. There are over 20,000 troops here.

It’s traumatic.
4/ The insurrectionists will not only be armed with guns, they will be maskless and doing shit like this:

[Source: @carstensenpol ]
5/ DC organizers like @DMVBlackLives @ShutDown_DC and mutual aid groups like @ServeYourCityDC are working around the clock to:

-drive unhoused people to safer areas
-distribute PPE
-demand that @airbnb + hotels #DontHostHate
-prep and supply medics
-and so, so much more
🗣More people live in DC than in Vermont!

There’s been no meaningful calculation for their well-being in the decision to move ahead with Inauguration here.

So DC’s people are organizing to protect THEMSELVES. As usual.

Time for the rest of the country to step up for them.
7/ Thousands of DC residents are being forced to deal with overwhelming danger and trauma so political theater can unfold on their doorsteps.

Hard to explain how insulting it is to be the most directly impacted and not even have a vote in Congress.

We MUST deliver #DCStatehood.
👉 Follow @DC_Vote and @EleanorNorton.

👉Tell your Reps + Senators to finally grant statehood to DC *now.*

202-224-3121, or text RESIST to 50409 ( @resistbot)

👉 Amplify the hashtag #DCStatehood.
9/ And follow and donate to Black-led groups working to keep DC residents safe:

You can follow @KristinMinkDC.
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