1. Anyone expecting a chastened GOP is going to be bitterly disappointed. Bitterly.

The reason we had an insurrection in our Capitol on Jan 6th is bc the whole of the Rep Party has been radicalized. If we apply massive pressure on their corporate donors we might, MIGHT be able https://twitter.com/sheltondesigner/status/1351200871422504961
2. to force them, via @senatemajldr & a leadership change in the House back into a centrist party. This will require a full court press from all of us- Ds, Is, & disaffected Rs-going after the conservative media ecosystem via its platforms/providers & advertisers & after the R
3. R donor network. Unless we can force the Rep Party to disavow itself of the white nationalism & radicalism which are now MAINSTREAM elements of its platform, we are fooling ourselves into false security that this problem will simply go away.

Ignoring it is how we got here
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