Those who don’t know me well, don’t realize my love for history, politics and especially civil liberties. When I studied Political Science at Michigan I had the privilege of taking several courses from important figures from the civil rights movement. Thread - 1/
These men marched with MLK and I always felt a reverence in their classes and lecture halls.

Over the past year, as I talked about white privilege and BLM, I’ve had people wonder why I’d take such a vocal stand, risk pissing off clients and even friends. 2/
For me, being silent about something I believe is RIGHT is a form of entitlement and it’s complacency at a moment in history that I believe is critical.
I don’t say, “white privilege” because I feel guilty about my skin color or expect you to ask forgiveness for being white, but more as a matter of fact. 3/
Yes, I’ve struggled in life in many ways, but I’ve never, ever had to struggle because of the color of my skin, & that is a privilege. If more white people just recognized the inherit privilege & worked to become allies with BIPOC, we’d grow as a society and with our humanity. 4/
I’ve learned not to make excuses or explain my way out of uncomfortable conversations but to LISTEN and to grow. I believe we are in a new civil rights movement right now. 5/
Everyone who is screaming about “cancel culture” had no problem canceling a man’s career over taking a respectful knee in protest...a man that was right and justified with his actions and response. 6/
Today we honor a great leader who helped shape our current society in so many ways for the better. A man who stood for what was right, even when it wasn’t popular and ended up costing him his life. 7/
I believe what is happening today in our nation is the death of a very outdated and angry part of our underbelly. The confederate flags waving in our capital- a last gasp effort for some scared white folks to try and hold onto the America they think is right. 8/
The America I believe in is multicultural, racial, with freedom of religion and sexual orientation. The America I believe in will finally live up to its promise of equality for ALL.

Happy MLK day all. 9/
I hope you realize your voice does matter at this time in history. I hope you take a stand for what’s right.

History is once again watching. 🙏💙🇺🇸 /End
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