TW Rape and sexual violence.


Rapists and rape apologists ask why now?
Lemme tell you why.

The body remembers.
Long after the nauseating post rape cocktails of morning after pills, antibiotics and most recently pep...
...long after the rudimentary therapy if you're lucky,
long after the first police visit that rapes you all over again with their questions, skepticism and jokes.

long after 'moving on' and trying to forget...

The body remembers the trauma.

Sometimes...'s his smell that hits you while you're laughing with friends
Sometimes the weather is just so
Other times it's the popular song of the time that got stuck in your head while trying to detach your mind from the unwanted violence happening to your body.
And sometimes
...just sometimes

it's seeing the bastard walking about, living, flourishing, while you have to deal with the painful fibroids, the permanent tear in your bladder or uterus, the excruciating pain that jolts you up in the middle of the night, seemingly out of the blue...

... is when that particular memory embedded in your body, jolts you with pain during an intimate moment with the one you love.
No matter how hard you try to forget
When your soul is broken in the violent act
The body will remind you
Over and over again
And force you to re-member in order to heal and overcome the trauma.
Why now?
The body will force you to acknowledge the trauma.
It could take a week. A month, a year, 20years

and since 'justice is to the soul as health is to the body',

Your body and will remind you until you get the justice you deserve

Until then, you're not even alive
... but

We know rapists and rape apologists don't really want to know why.

They don't care for the answer

To care would be to see us as human, right?

Imagine that.
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