Are too many candidates opting out of your interview process?

This must be addressed immediately and can be caused by several factors:

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Your interviews are an interrogation:

Interviews need to be a two way conversation.

-just rattle off questions
-put candidates on the hot seat
-force candidates to regurgitate their resume

Allow time for candidates to ask questions. AND Listen.
Candidates are interviewing you as much as you’re interviewing them.

Don’t assume that they automatically want to work at your company.

Candidates have options and are analyzing your process, what you put out on social and what people are saying on Glassdoor
You need to sell early and often:

The best interviewers have the ability to build excitement throughout each interview.

Allocate time in interviews to “pitch” your company. Share your highlight reel, specific examples of culture initiatives and why it’s a great time to join
“What’s in it for the candidate?”

This should be the mindset of every interview.

You need to uncover what is truly motivating EACH candidate in their job search.

What are their career goals?

How does this opportunity help them get there?
You need to move faster:

Speed is a competitive advantage

Get them feedback faster

Be quicker to schedule next steps

Remove speed bumps OR be ready to lose candidates
Fixing any/all of these will improve your interview funnel and lead to greater success in hiring amazing candidates.

I'm sure I missed a bunch of other factors that lead to candidate fall off.

What else would you add?

What else can companies do to improve interview success?
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