People: “Believe Black women”

Coretta Scott King: “My husband was never unfaithful. My husband did not cheat. The FBI is out to assassinate his character & destroy his image.“

FBI: *Organizes smear campaign & assassinates MLK*

People: “Yeeeeaaahh I’m with the FBI on this one.”
In that Black Panther doc on Netflix, members spoke about how the feds sabotaged their marriages and family relationships on top of smearing their public image. It was a whole ass strategy employed by those seeking to derail & destroy our movements. Let’s not forget that.
Anyway put some respect on Coretta Scott King. If we should listen to and retell anyone’s narrative, it’s hers. Also, honor her work. She made her own, individual contributions to the movement. She was more than MLK’s wife. She has a legacy of her own. Remember her.
Also get her book! Just ordered mine for $5 on Thriftbooks. Better get these while they’re available
Also this..
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