1. Sees a Latin American film centering Black people
2. Clicks on director & producers
3. Sees a bunch of white Latin Americans (usually middle class or richer)
4. Turns off wifi for the day.
1. Sees Latin American film centering Black people
2. Sees various Black Latin American organizations in the region and in the U.S. denouncing the film with mad points in Spanish & English.
3. Sees Black North Americans praising the film
4. Turns off wifi for the week
And the gag is these white Latin American producers most likely are interacting with Black folks for the first time in their lives outside of servitude roles. Gon say I really connected w Vengano as an actor bc my nanny was also Black from the Pacific like him <3 :-)
Black North Americans gotta do a better job of actually listening to Black Latin Americans. Plis. "Solidarity" don't mean shit if y'all continuously aligning yourselves with white mestizos who are openly antiblack to Black Latin Americans but perform for Black North Americans.
Constantly assigning "of color" to blondes bc "ArEnT tHey Luhteeno." Then wanna argue *ME* down about it. lmaoooooo I was literally just thrown a receipt in my face at the bank by an antiblack blonde Panamanian employee. Plis just stop.
1. Dealing wthese racist Luhteenos *IN* Latin America on the daily
2. These same racist Luhteenos going (oftentimes fleeing after enacting racist policies) to the U.S. & now wanna claim "of color" & y'all letting them do it
3. When I say something, y'all wanna gaslight me
Imagine Black folks dealing with white pathological mistreatment in Latin America, then seeing Black North Americans aligning with those same racist Luhteenos now miraculously "brown" in the U.S. (and they are not even "brown" anywhere) How we spose to feel? Eh?
And this applies to whomever it applies to. Y'all be taking a mestizo who is of more indigenous descent and saying well they aren't white in the U.S. Duh. I am not talking about them when I am naming white Luhteenos. Y'all always tryna derail shit.
& then y'all wanna take a white mestizo with Black hair and be like "see? of color" Like there's no Anglos with Black hair. I saw a pic of Eva L**goria and her co-worker that got jailed with dyed black hair. They looked like sisters. Y'all all look and act the same. Accept that
I went on a morning walk and passed these restaurants: "El Gran Colonial" "Hacienda Real" "El Trapiche" - The Grand Colonial. The Royal Plantation. The sugar mill. Now el trapiche is "just" a tool for sugar extraction. HOWEVER this was THEE tool of enslaved labor periodt.
And bc Luhteenos who allegedly "know better" still too fucking cowardly and invested in white-centered Latinidad to speak up, I can never just relax. Can't count on y'all for shit. Per usual.
And the biggest gag is U.S. Luhteenos who are white, actually TELL Y'ALL THAT THEY ARE WHITE. It's that y'all not picking up on it. Eva L**goria is a "PROUD" Tejano dique the "original settlers." Meaning WHITE SETTLER-COLONIZERS FROM SPAIN. The info is literally. Right. There.
Jon Legu2u849juo had Bernardo Galvez as one of his "Latin heroes" in that god-awful special of his. Galvez was a Spaniard colonizer who purposely & strategically sold arms to the U.S. so they cld defeat the British, so that Spain could then re-gain control of Florida. Cmon yall.
Please come off of this "Latin" bullshit. Latin means nothing in terms of ancestry & race in the context of the Americas. Furthermore, the term "Latin America" was championed by Napolean to wage resistance against Anglo domination in the region. "Latin" is white hegemony.
My friend who is "negra" in every Latin American country she is in... is 20% european. I said she should start prioritizing that European like how the white Luhteenos prioritize their 7% indigenous and 4% African. Let's see if she will reap those racial benefits. Amirite?
Let's see her whip out her ancestry results every time someone calls her antiblack names, follows her in stores and denies her jobs. Let's see how that 20% European works out in her day-to-day interactions. Let's see.
White Luhteenos be like: I am 89% European, 8% indigenous, 3% African. MIXED AF Y'ALL.
LEAVE THE ANCESTRY BLOOD QUANTUM WHERE IT LAY. INDIGENOUS AND BLACK LATIN AMERICAN FOLKS DONT NEED A GD TEST TO KNOW THEIR ANCESTRY. Y'all white Luhteenos go this hard to continue avoiding what stares straight at you in the mirror. We are not impressed.
Prioritize investigating that 89% European ancestry Ligia Elena. We don't need you to scream out your 11% non-European ancestry for clout. We need you to address your white pathological heritage and legacy. That is more helpful than squawking out TRES RAICES every 2 nanoseconds.
Are the majority of Latin Americans "mixed"? I don't know, which countries are we talking about? Secondly, sure. And this isn't unique in the world. And what does this mean for the white elites that control every Latin American country? "Coincidence"? Or white pathology? Eh?
And what does they even mean for my Black ass living in a “mixed” Latin American country? I am still “the Black one.” I am still getting followed by an indigenous-descended security guard, still not getting a job from the white mestizo supervisor. So now what?
*Spain dominates the slave trade,puts racial hierarchy in LatAm, their descendants murder, polices, denies access to Black folks til NOW, brings Euros to whiten LatAm, whitino leaders are open eugenicists, Nazi parties thru LatAm*
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