You’d have to be an idiot to not be worried about big tech censoring speech. That doesn’t make it wrong to be happy that Trump or some fascists are gone from Twitter. I’m worried about how undemocratic media production is too, but that doesn’t mean I’m not excited about star war
To be honest, I don’t really know what we’d do with peddlers of misinformation and bigotry were Twitter controlled by the public. There might still be some agreed upon rules here that prevent their lies? Who knows.
But until that day has come, I just don’t get what the point is of being “concerned about censorship because Twitter removed trump.” Like yeah, of course they get to unilaterally do that. What’s changed
(to be clear i dont mean to call anyone an IDIOT lol. couldn't decide how much i cared about tweeting this for like 15 mins lol, but if you don't care about big tech censorship, i dont think you're an IDIOT. im just sayin, you know, that it would make sense to be worried)
I wanted to add here that the reasonable concern for me is working class people getting censored on Twitter. If you’re worried about trump being censored, even tho he has limitless access to media, the entire military, and tons of money, idk what to tell you lol. I cannot care
But What Will Happen To The Ruling Class, What Will Come Of Our Overlords,
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