Hate to belabor this but I see blackpilling on the TL like there was in some GCs so some encouragement and reminders: https://twitter.com/gaitanalyst/status/1351053164418633729
- otherwise nice people are going to become informers; some cynically but some out of zeal. The correct response is pity.
- women face more social pressure and it will be harder for my kings to find girls not captive to the Discourse. The correct response is patience.
- small loyalty tests change your own identity. Burning a pinch of incense to Caesar seems harmless but in the process of justifying it to yourself you will move closer to worshipping Caesar.
- there are still 7000 men who have not bent the knee to Ba’al and there always will be. You are not alone.
- there are things that are harder for them to take away - what you know and can do - and things that are impossible for them to take away (your treasure in heaven). Accumulate these things.
- there is somebody coming to save you
- be happy that you live in this time and not after history (like you feared). Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
You can follow @gaitanalyst.
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