Every time a politician quotes Dr. King, they should be required to propose legislation he fought for.
You get Universal Basic Income, Marco! https://twitter.com/senrubiopress/status/1351152358827327488
Ouch, I know this stings Mitch, but you get to end voter suppression 🤷‍♂️ https://twitter.com/senatemajldr/status/1351151585846562823
You just drew universal healthcare, Joe! Better get to work! https://twitter.com/joebiden/status/1350926118409289730
Madison, no need to propose any policy. Just resign because your gleeful white supremacy in Congress is a stain on the body, and a violation of everything Dr. King longed for. https://twitter.com/repcawthorn/status/1351180899904270339
(But, since I started this mostly to remind folks of specific policies Dr. King fought for, Madison gets to defund the military. I’m sure he’ll love it.)
For thinking “wishing Dr. Martin Luther King a happy birthday,” is what today is about, Rand gets to redistribute wealth! https://twitter.com/randpaul/status/1351172970895573004
Lindsey, it’s time to end all that warfare you love so much. https://twitter.com/lindseygrahamsc/status/1351211418792681479
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