2020 was my first year on social media as a Digital Artist.

I grew from 0 to 2400 followers on Twitter. 0 to 500 on IG

This is what I learned... ⏬
1) Manage one, maybe two platforms at once.

I started 2020 with plans to post art on SEVERAL platforms for maximum exposure, but I quickly became overwhelmed and personally found that I got MUCH better results (and was more mentally healthy) when I focused my efforts.
2) Followers = Opportunity, NOT Success.

Followers ARE important, but It's REALLY easy to equate a big following to big success when that isn't always the case. I started 2020 with NO following, but I've worked in my field for the last 8 years, 5 of which as an Art Director
3) Reduce the resolution of your art and CLEARLY watermark it!

There's no shortage of horror stories about art being stolen on social media. It even happened to me once in my 1st year

Several platforms do not reduce the resolution of your art when you post, so make sure you do!
4) Less effort, more creativity.

I've found that the CONCEPT of a piece seems to matter a LOT more than the quality of the execution to the average viewer. There is a "standard" of course, but at least for me, my 5hr illustrations can receive the same exposure as my 30hr work.
5) Consistency.

Expanding on my last lesson, spending less time on one piece means you can post more art more consistently.

New art will typically get more buzz, but try to post art least once a day -even if it is old art! You never know who HASN'T seen that old illustration.
6) BUMP or RT your own art.

Admittedly, I've lost followers by doing this, but I have gained FAR more than I've lost.

The exact time you post has such a MASSIVE effect on the visibility of your work that sometimes RT'ing/bumping my art was the only way I could get eyes on it.
7a) Draw Fan Art.

I used to HATE drawing fan art. I stopped doing it at a VERY young age and only reconsidered in the middle of 2020.

I used to see it as "selling out" or regretted spending time drawing "someone else's characters" but now I have a new outlook on it..

7b) Drawing fan art is great for several reasons:
🔸It is one of the highest forms of flattery
🔸It forces you to analyze other artists' works
🔸It's a great way to hook viewers with IP you BOTH already connect with so that you build credibility before showing them your own OCs.
8) Art Raffles have diminishing returns.

It might not be the case for everyone, but I've run 3 raffles for free commissions. The 1st earned me 100+ followers. The 2nd less than 50 and the 3rd less than 20.

Commissions take a LOT of time, so make sure you get value from them.
9a) Spread positivity and confidence!

Art is physically, mentally and emotionally taxing on an artist, not to mention the HOURS it takes to earn a 3 second glance or RT. This leads to a lot of mental health concerns in our community.

Not getting that validation...

9b) ...leads some artists to self-deprecate.

I understand this urge and sometimes feel it, but I want to encourage fellow artists to refrain from it.

Not only does it damage YOUR esteem further, but it can harm the confidence of younger artists looking up to you!

9c) Instead, I encourage artists to be proud of where they are and be very transparent that they are still learning!

Every artist has room to grow and I think we all can do a better job at celebrating progress instead of punishing ourselves for not achieving perfection.
10) Month-Long Challenges are also dangerous

To each their own, but committing to daily art for 30 days with the lone goal of social media validation is not something I can sustain, nor do I recommend for several reasons -most pertaining to work-life balance and mental health.
11) Community is King

It's not enough to JUST post your art. If you really want to gain traction, you need to engage with people. Participate in AND host Art Shares, RT others' art, write comments, ask your followers questions and generally see them as people, not just a metric.
So that's it for now...
I'm positive that I have more to talk about or expand on but this is already pretty long. Each of those 11 points could be a thread on their own 😅

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